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Theatre of States Prague
Opera and Ballet
City centre Old Tonw
Opera and ballet
65 Minutes
Suitable for
people of all ages
by program
Don Giovanni - W. A. Mozart
For one decade already, the cultural life in Prague has traditionally been culminating with the station of Opera Mozart at The Estates Theatre.
Do not miss the most famous opera of all time, in the excellent performance multiplied by an impressive stage, original costumes and top international cast. Only Prague can offer you this opera of all operas at the authentic theatre where the great Maestro personaly conducted its world premiere.

The Magic Flute - W. A. Mozart
Is the Magic flute a remarkable fairy-tale with comic elements, a folk comedy or an encoded work, full of freemason symbols? Is it merely a story of love overcoming all obstacles, or a piece motivating the viewer to attempt achieving perfection? . The work contains all these planes and because of this it remains a challenge for all producers.
Mozart. s last opera, a fairy-tale singspiel from 1791 to the libretto of E. Schikaneder is a true masterpiece. The magical fairy-tale story is a multi-layered play full of fantasy, humour, but also philosophy.

Le Nozze di Figaro - W. A. Mozart
It is now difficult to decipher in the libretto of the marriage of Figaro the reasons why it was once considered controversial. It lampooned human frailties and failings which even the nobility understandably found irresistible. Today, however, we laugh at its comical, almost slapstick situations, humorous resolutions of plots and gratifying masquerade situations; and we do not have the slightest fear that the shrewd Figaro will not protect his sweet Suzanne from the horrors of the count. The enormous success of the marriage of Figaro on its premiere in Prague in 1786 was the reason why Mozart wrote his largest work, Don Giovanni, directly for Prague.

Carmen - Georges Bizet
The ever vivid and tragically dramatic Carmen has enchanted opera viewers worldwide for over 125 years by its Spanish colour and psychologically true raw story and of course the melodically ingenious music of G. Bizet. Prosper Merime. s novel about passionate love and great jealousy became famous mainly thanks to this renowned opera. It is the story of the beautiful and carefree Carmen, whose flighty life ends by the hand of a spurned lover. The fascinating character of Carmen and Bizet. s music is always inspiring.


black theatre in prague

Aspects of Alice

Black Theatre
Start: 19:30 and 21:00

tickets theatre prague


Black Theatre
Start: 20:30

tipical theatre


Black Theatre
Start: 20:30

prague tickets

Wow Show

Black Theatre
Start: 20:00

State Theatre in Prague Prague State Theatre Mozart in Prague Opera in Prague Rigoletto in Prague Rigoletto in Prague Tosca in Prague